
Abandoned structure being torn down

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A Laguna Beach resident is footing the bill for a crew to destroy an abandoned boathouse on his beachfront property south of Thousand Steps Beach, according to architectural consultant Morris Skenderian.

“He loves the property and wanted to restore and rehabilitate it,” said Skenderian, who estimated property owner Gary Groves paid $400,000 to demolish the 2,000-square-foot structure.

“He wanted to give the beach back to the public,” Skenderian said. “We had neighbors complaining about it for years.”


The structure, in an area called Paradise Cove, was boarded up and a target for graffiti, Skenderian said. The house has been abandoned for the past five years.

The demolition required city and Coastal Commission approval, which was gained through a public nuisance abatement — a city process to remove things such as graffiti and other public eye sores — helping to streamline the process, according to Skenderian.

The city initiated the public nuisance process and received cooperation with Groves, City Manager John Pietig said.

“This is a win-win for the property owner and community,” Pietig said.

Groves has maintained three other structures on the 3-acre property, Skenderian said.

Demolition should be finished by Friday, Skenderian said.
