
Underdog Outback wins title

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Coach Rich Hogan took his last-place Outback Steakhouse Pony league team (7-10) to the playoffs and won it all.

Outback was a play-in team. After winning the play-in game the Outback team faced the No. 1 seed,Dick’s Sporting Goods, which it knocked off, 14-7.

Outback went on to win the next two games and made it to the championship game against Johnny’s Pizza. Johnny’s needed to beat Outback twice since Outback had no losses going into the final in the double-elimination playoff’s.


Even though Shane Mitchell pitched an outstanding seven innings, Outback still came up short and Johnny’s Pizza won the first game, 5-3.

Then it came down to the championship game. Both teams had one loss.

Nick Fox started the game on the mound and went five innings. Chase Dugan came in to close the game and sealed the Outback victory, 11-7.

Shane Mitchell, Taylor Kipling, Nick Roth and Jacob Schran came through with huge hits in the final game. J.P. Ziegler and Rich Vanis played great defense throughout the tournament. Robbie Rosoff played a solid and strong catcher. Connor Kincaid contributed on defense as shortstop and on offense went four for four. Justin Bleweis was missed on the field, as he was on the bench after suffering a broken ankle the night before the championship game.

The season started out rough for the Pony Outback team with a few injuries, but the team started peaking at the right time said Coach Hogan. Coaches Brian and Kyle Cablay assisted Hogan.

— Reader submission
