
Mailbag: UCI students should consider 2-state solution

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The UC Irvine student council request for the university to withdraw investments in firms that contribute to settlement construction in the disputed territories of the West Bank is another in a long line of misguided and divisive actions that do nothing to further the cause of peace between Israel and Palestine.

While it is sad to see the student council making this request, it is reassuring that the university has seen through this cynical, one-sided campaign against Israel and has refused to comply. Since Israel accepted and the Arabs rejected the UN Partition plan of 1947, we have seen decades of unnecessary suffering of both Israelis and Palestinians.

The only way to move toward peace is to work for a two-state solution. This can be achieved, not through boycotts and divestments, but rather by the two sides sitting down and ironing out their few, albeit complex, remaining differences.


Rabbi Gersh Zylberman

Senior Rabbi, Temple Bat Yahm

Newport Beach


Newport charter

The elections are over, and, to my surprise, Measure EE passed, but not overwhelmingly. It was 21,648 yes and 16,634 no. In the past, council members have won with fewer votes.

I write today to thank the 16,634 Newport Beach residents who voted no on Measure EE. A few of the supporters of Measure EE have reviled the opponents as a small group of irresponsible critics who wanted to go back to the 1950s. We aren’t; we don’t.

The Orange County League of Women Voters, the Orange County Register and 16,634 voters all opposed Measure EE. This is not a small group of irresponsible people and entities. This is a large group of people and entities who thought clearly about city issues and opposed Measure EE.

However, Measure EE won. Congrats to its supporters. I guess we can take comfort in the alleged protections from red-light traffic cameras and class-action lawsuits. But if these protections are an illusion, to whom do we present the bill?

Thanks again to our 16,634 voters. We will remain vigilant and look forward to your further support.

Robert C. Hawkins

Newport Beach


‘Meatless Mondays’

Now that the Los Angeles City Council has passed a resolution encouraging residents to observe “Meatless Mondays” for health and environmental reasons, more people will be looking for vegetarian recipes and meatless meal ideas.

Fortunately, it’s easy to be green, and PETA is happy to provide all Californians with free recipes, product suggestions, information on vegetarian-friendly restaurants and stadiums, and more. Los Angeles is off to a good start. Let’s hope that the rest of California follows suit. Check out for more information and healthy, eco-friendly eating tips.

Heather Moore

PETA Foundation

Norfolk, Va.
