
Ex-O.C. Democratic chairman sentenced in extortion plot

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James Toledano, a three-time state Assembly candidate and former head of the Orange County Democratic Party, was sentenced Friday to nine months in jail and three months’ probation for his part in an extortion scheme.

In November, an Orange County Superior Court jury convicted Toledano, 70, of participating in a plan to extort $350,000 from Priscilla and Richard Marconi, owners of the Marconi Automotive Museum in Tustin. Jurors found Toledano guilty of felony conspiracy and attempted extortion by threat, according to court records.

Toledano is a Newport Beach-based lawyer, though his license is suspended. In 1995, he won a two-year term as chairman of the county Democratic Party but did not pursue a second.


According to prosecutors, Toledano represented Corona del Mar personal trainer Michael Earl Roberts, who worked for the Marconis from 1999 to 2005, when he was fired.

After his firing, Roberts threatened dozens of times to sue and “destroy” Priscilla Marconi and her friends, according to prosecutors.

The Marconis alleged that Roberts thought he’d had an affair with Priscilla Marconi and deserved some of the couple’s money.

Toledano helped try to extort money from the Marconis by meeting with their lawyer in 2008 and threatening that Roberts would spread lies about them in the media if they didn’t hand over $350,000, according to prosecutors.

In October, Roberts pleaded guilty to felony charges of conspiracy and extortion and misdemeanor counts of making anonymous phone calls and annoying or harassing phone calls. He was sentenced to six months in jail and three years’ probation.
