
Burbank community gathers in solidarity to remember victims killed in mosques in New Zealand

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Local residents gathered Tuesday night at Burbank City Hall to remember the 50 shooting victims who lost their lives during terrorist attacks at two mosques in New Zealand last Friday.

The Burbank Human Relations Council, or BHRC, sponsored the event, which included supporters of the effort speaking at the start of the City Council meeting, followed by the lighting of candles outside City Hall.

The human relations council released a statement Tuesday morning.

“The BHRC extends our heartfelt condolences to all our Muslim friends. We wholeheartedly denounce the atrocity. It is truly horrific what happened in New Zealand and it is too eerily reminiscent of the Tree of Life synagogue shooting not many months ago here in the States,” according to the statement.

“As we bemoan the hatred that appears to be consuming the world by abhorrent words and acts, we must continue to be more visible by working together in the pursuit of peace. We invite all people of goodwill to seek unity in our great American diversity. Together, we are Jews, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, secular humanists and atheists, and together we stand against hate, racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia,” the statement added.

Twitter: @LAMarkKellam
