
Letters to the Editor: Mailbag: Rally organizers should be on the hook to pay expenses, not the city or school district

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Regarding the Jan. 18 Leader article on the upcoming We Are Women Rally: It has been suggested that the city of Burbank and/or the school district cover the cost for the organizers to hold their event at Burroughs Memorial Field on March 9.

I strongly object to this use of Burbank taxpayer money to sponsor what is a political rally. Regarding a recent letter to the editor, it is not and should never be incumbent upon the city of Burbank to “step up” (perform the role of a political activist organization for any particular agenda or social movement).

I will argue that these marches do nothing to further “conversation” nor do they expose serious social issues. What they do is make the participants feel better. Unfortunately marches have already caused frustration and disruption within our quiet neighborhoods along the bike path.

I fully support 1st Amendment rights and the ability of organizations to utilize Memorial Field under current guidelines. Granting exceptions will only lead to a less just community. The organizers should be responsible for the fee charged to use the field and for any possible security costs.

It would be ill advised for the Burbank City Council/Burbank Unified School District to make a decision to financially support this event as you then set a precedent for future political events.

Kathleen Field

