
Letters to the Editor: Mailbag: Burbank Interfaith Forum condemns massacre in New Zealand

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The Burbank Interfaith Forum condemns the horrific massacre of 50 Muslims and the wounding of many more in New Zealand by the white supremacist murderer. We ask that all people, regardless of race, religion or belief, join together in denouncing this act of mass murder. The ideology of white supremacy, based on violence, hatred and bigotry, is a threat to all people here and around the world.

From our guiding principles: We condemn violence and terrorism as being against the spirit of our religions, and we pledge ourselves to removing their causes. We shall respect the integrity of all religions and ensure that they have the freedom to follow their own beliefs and practices. We must all work together to bring about a world of peace, cooperation and dignity for all people.

David Meyerhof, representing the

Burbank Interfaith Forum


Courtesy of David Laurell’s society column about the opening of the Talaria development in Burbank, we know that six former Burbank mayors and the Cusumanos joined others in celebrating the event with a “Roaring ’20s” theme party.

While we breathlessly await what’s next for our own little West Egg, it would be interesting for the Leader to follow up on what has happened to the people who had to vacate affordable housing. What’s their theme?

Julie D’Angelo

