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(High school football plays of 30 yards or more)

92 – Matt Carlyle (Estancia) kickoff return for touchdown

75 – Kellon Truxton (Newport Harbor) touchdown pass from Austin Rios

62 – Taylor Petty (Sage Hill) kickoff return for touchdown

59 – Parker Norton (Newport Harbor) interception return for touchdown

49 – Taylor Ross (Sage Hill) touchdown run

48 – Mitch Gardner (Corona del Mar) touchdown run

42 – Jonathan Diego (Estancia) field goal

41 – DaSean Grayson (Costa Mesa) touchdown run

41 – Andrew Boehm (Corona del Mar) field goal

39 – Tyler Sheffner (Costa Mesa) pass from Nathan Alvis


37 – DaSean Grayson (Costa Mesa) punt return

37 – Jonathan Diego (Estancia) field goal

34 – Robert Murtha (Estancia) touchdown run

33 – DaSean Grayson (Costa Mesa) kickoff return

32 – Eric Cheng (Sage Hill) punt return

31 – DaSean Grayson (Costa Mesa) kickoff return

31 – Parker Norton (Newport Harbor) touchdown pass from Austin Rios


(Top defensive plays)

ESTANCIA — Senior lineman Juan Mejia recovers a fumble … Senior Brandon Barron tackles the kickoff returner at the opponent’s five-yard line … Senior cornerback Cameron Collins returns an interception 27 yards for a touchdown … Junior end Andy Ugalde produces a six-yard sack … Senior linebacker Eduardo Lopez bats down a pass … Senior Omar Gutierrez blocks an extra-point kick.

CORONA DEL MAR — Senior inside linebacker Preston Risser halts a sweep for no gain … Senior inside linebacker David Detrick and senior end Alex Herrera combined to stop a pitch play for a one-yard loss … Detrick leads a group of tacklers to produce a three-yard loss … Junior outside linebacker Aaron White’s pressure forces an incomplete pass … Senior free safety Peter Markel makes a big hit on a ballcarrier after a short gain … White tugs down a wingback on a sweep for no gain … Junior Kyle Sherburne blocks a punt to set up a short touchdown drive … Herrera produces a four-yard sack aided by blanket coverage in the secondary … Detrick and friends stuff a run for no gain … Detrick tips a pass that Sherburne nearly intercepts … Senior tackle Stephen Ascher collects a two-yard sack … White drills the quarterback after he releases an incomplete pass … Ascher and senior tackle Jon Metcalfe combine to stop ballcarrier for a five-yard loss … Risser returns an interception 19 yards to the University six-yard line … Metcalfe and Detrick combine to stop a run for no gain … Junior inside linebacker David Moore nails ballcarrier for no gain.

SAGE HILL — Junior outside linebacker David Fenner nearly sacks the quarterback, but his pass is hurried and junior linebacker Taylor Petty bats it down … Petty and junior cornerback Eric Cheng shut down a screen pass for a three-yard loss … Cheng blocks a field-goal attempt … Petty and senior end T.J. Danner stop a running play for a one-yard loss … Fenner records a three-yard sack … Junior middle linebacker Ford Hanour recovers a fumble … Danner stuffs a run for no gain … Petty and senior lineman Kevin Gregg stop a run for a two-yard loss … Senior safety Randall Mycorn breaks up a long pass … Danner gets a three-yard sack … Junior cornerback Conner Ascher intercepts a pass in the end zone with 11 seconds left to seal the victory.

NEWPORT HARBOR — Senior linebacker Blair Luchs stops a run for a two-yard loss … Senior lineman JB Salem and junior lineman Steve Michaelsen lead a host of tacklers to stuff a run for no gain … Salem and senior linebacker Ryan Andrews stuff a run for a one-yard loss … Luchs halts a run for a one-yard loss … Senior cornerback Parker Norton returns an interception 59 yards for a touchdown … A big hit by Luchs forces an incompletion on fourth down … Junior lineman Bradley Beaudette recovers a fumble … Senior lineman Chase Salazar records a five-yard sack … Sophomore defensive back Landon Gyulay intercepts a pass.

COSTA MESA — Junior linebacker Jake Comer tackles running back for a two-yard loss … Senior linebacker Nick Guzowski stuffs a run for a one-yard loss … Senior tackle Roberto Ramirez stops a run for no gain … Junior lineman Christian Contreras stuffs a run for a one-yard loss … Sophomore safety Noah Jayarajah and Ramirez combine to halt a run for no gain … Junior cornerback Jordan Walden returns an interception 27 yards for a touchdown … Senior cornerback DaSean Grayson breaks up a pass … Jayarajah stops a receiver for a one-yard loss … Senior end Nick Cendoya and Ramirez combine for a three-yard sack.

— From staff reports
