
New officers seated for Franciscan Seniors

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The Franciscan Seniors new officers are, Burt Gallagher, president; Elaine Paonessa, vice president; Lois Clemensen, secretary; and Jim Burry, treasurer; Patsy Bailey, historian; Arnold Frank, parliamentarian; and Joan Roulston, Bernard Baima, and Yvette Gingraf, trustees.

The group is a social and travel club. Members meet at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of the month at St. Frances Xavier Church Holy Cross Hall, 3801 Scott Road, Burbank. A business meeting is followed by a light lunch, social hour and bingo for those who wish to play.

Dues are $5 per year and one needs not be Catholic to join, just 55 years or older. Be the club’s guest for a first meeting. Information: (818) 768-2321 or (818) 845-6851.

Burbank Masons install new officers

Burbank Lodge #406 F & A M, of California, has installed new officers. The master (presiding officer) is Elvan (“Al”) Moen. He and his wife, Lori, have been residents of Burbank for the past 42 years. He is a retired police officer, member of Burbank First United Methodist Church and member of the board of directors, Wesley Homes, Inc. (senior housing nonprofit corporation in Burbank).

Other officers are Steven R. Harris, senior warden; Billy D. Campbell, junior warden; William A. Cunningham, treasurer; Norman A. Furman, secretary; Tommy Quiroz, chaplain; Eric R. Rhoades, assistant secretary; Erik Adams, senior deacon; Todd H. Nicholas, junior deacon; David J. Williams, marshal; Simon A. McIlroy, senior steward; Jeremy Chongco, junior steward; Andrew E. McReynolds, organist; Anthony L. Sandino, tiler.

California Masons opened some of the first public schools in America and lobbied in the 1800s for state-supported education and colleges. Today, Masons provide support for California’s public schools in many ways. Burbank Masons annually have a public schools observance, recognizing a deserving student and teacher at each level within the Burbank School District.

Vocalist performs in sign language

Liz Vigil will perform sign language to songs by Melissa Manchester and Faith Hill for members of the California Retired Teachers Assn. Glendale — Foothill Division 11 at their Monday meeting at the Elks Lodge, 120 E. Colorado St., Glendale.

Social time is at 11:30 a.m. following by lunch at noon. Vigil has been hearing impaired since birth, but has been “signing” for the past 40 years. She entertains at Providence St. Elizabeth Care facility in North Hollywood for patients who can no longer speak but will “sign” along with her.

Members are requested to bring used clothing, eye glasses, frames and cases that will be donated to the Gift of Sight by Lens Crafters and the Lions Club for those in need. Luncheon cost is $12. Deadline for reservations is Thursday and they can be made by calling (818) 246-3205.

Homeowners council has new officers

The Glendale Homeowners Coordinating Council’s installation dinner is at 6 p.m. Monday at Clancy’s Crab Broiler, 219 N. Central Ave., Glendale. Larry Zarian, radio personality and former Glendale mayor and city council member, will install officers.

They are President Al Hofmann, First Vice President David Meyers, Second Vice President Richard Lee, Recording Secretary Jennifer Pinkerton, Corresponding Secretary Bill Nicoll and Treasurer Margaret Hammond.

There is complimentary valet parking provided in the rear parking lot off of Salem Street. The program is $25 and includes dinner. A no-host social hour begins at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at 7. The installation of officers will follow. Reservations: (818) 396-6840, or (818) 242-7334.

Old Hollywood is topic for meeting

The Glendale Historical Society and the Glendale Public Library have planned a lecture and slideshow about Hollywood’s Golden Age and the early days of movie-making at Warner Bros. Studios at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Glendale Central Library, 222 E. Harvard St. Admission is free.

Local studios trivia will be revealed by E.J. Stephens, former member of the Alex Film Society board of directors, and co-author (with Marc Wanamaker) of the book “Early Warner Bros Studios” published by Arcadia Publishing. He will sign copies of his book about the four Warner brothers named Harry, Albert, Sam and Jack who rose from the humblest of origins to become Hollywood moguls of enormous and lasting influence.

Since 1928, Warner Bros. has produced thousands of beloved films and timeless classics, such as “Casablanca,” “The Maltese Falcon” and “East of Eden,” at the studio’s magical 110-acre film factory in Burbank. Stephens’ book, which will be available for sale, includes a collection of rare images that highlight the Warner Bros. legacy from the 1920s to the 1950s.

Stephens has worked for much of the past 15 years for Walt Disney’s Imagineering division, and more recently for Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, where he and his wife still serve as docents for the Warner Bros. Museum. As a creative writer for several years, his articles have appeared in several newspapers and magazines throughout Southern California.

For information, visit or call (818) 242-7447.

Chorus offering young singers

The California Women’s Chorus, Inc., whose philanthropic purpose is to raise funds for vocal awards, is looking for student singers to participate in its vocal award competition. Each of three winners will be awarded $2,000.

Vocal students who are high school seniors or attending college and those studying with private voice teachers are all eligible. The money is to be used to further the winner’s education in vocal studies. Applicants must be California residents, male or female and no more than 23 years old. Each entrant will be asked to sing two songs of their choice — one an art song or aria, the other a selection from musical theatre or operetta.

Auditions will be on March 19 at First Congregational Church of Glendale, 2001 Cañada Blvd., Glendale CA 91208. The three winners, chosen by professional adjudicators, will perform at the chorus’ annual public concert on May 1 at the Hilton Glendale Hotel. This will be the 42nd annual convention and concert and will be hosted by the Verdugo Hills Women’s Chorus.

Applications and registration forms are available on the Awards page of the chorus’ website, Applications for the audition process must be submitted by Feb. 18, to Sharon Schlarb, 1076 Orange Grove Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91105, or call (626) 403-5622.
