
Israeli President Shimon Peres visits DreamWorks

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Israeli President Shimon Peres is concluding a U.S. visit with a four-day stop in Southern California, where he will meet with entertainment executives and Jewish community leaders.

Other participants will include Michael Oren,Israel’sambassador to the U.S., local Consul General David Seigel and officials from the Jewish Federation.

On Friday, Peres visited DreamWorks Animation studio. During his visit to the Southland he will also attend a Hollywood reception and a meeting with Jewish and Latino leaders.

Earlier in the week, Peres was in New York and Washington. On Wednesday he was in the Bay Area and stopped at the Menlo Park headquarters of Facebook, where he created his own page.

Peres, 88, has been president since 2007. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 for his efforts to foster peace in the Middle East. He shared the prize with Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin.

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-- Anna Gorman, Los Angeles Times
