
Meatball the bear hits ‘jackpot’ after visiting La Crescenta again

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The Glendale Bear appears to be getting impatient. Hunger waits for no man or beast.

La Crescenta resident Kelly MacDonald said the bear -- known by some as Meatball -- returned to her home early Monday morning for the second time in recent weeks, this time opting for sustenance rather than sunbathing by the pool.

Around 2 a.m. Monday, MacDonald’s parents were awakened by her barking dog. MacDonald said the bear had no problem finding their trash cans on the side of the garage, knocking a can over before escaping with a bag in its mouth.

“I don’t believe there are any meatballs,” said MacDonald, 26. “I know my mom cleaned out the fridge, so I’m sure he hit the jackpot.”

Family members believe there was caramel sauce in the stolen trash bag, but they have yet to figure out how to secure their trash cans prior to pick-up Wednesday morning. MacDonald said her father may decide to put the cans in the garage because she is now convinced that the bear’s home is “not far” from her house.

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-- Matt Stevens, Los Angeles Times
