
Antonovich moves to have term-limits law overturned by voters

(Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times)
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Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich, who has been in office since 1980 and cannot seek another term under current law, wants to have voters consider overturning the measure that limits supervisors to three terms.

Antonovich’s motion is scheduled to be heard by the supervisors on Tuesday. If they agree to put it on the November ballot and it is approved by county voters, Antonovich could serve another two terms past his current one, which ends in 2016.

In 2002, 64% of voters approved a measure that limited supervisors to three consecutive terms.

Antonovich, 72, easily won reelection earlier this year and is one of four supervisors who are currently barred from seeking office again.

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-- Jason Song, Los Angeles Times
