
Video: Supporters of UCLA water polo player accused of rape go to YouTube

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Supporters of a UCLA water polo player arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting another student have created a YouTube video proclaiming his innocence.

The 76-second video—titled “Hakop Kaplanyan - Innocence 2013”—lauds Kaplanyan’s athletic accomplishments, calling him “dedicated, intelligent, honest, optimistic and caring.”

The freshman “is facing a rough obstacle,” people in the video say, “being accused of actions that he did not commit.”

“Our friend Hakop is trying to prove his innocence,” they said. “So we are all coming together--friends, family, classmates and teammates--to project one truth, one belief, one voice: innocence.”

The video, posted April 15, has been viewed more than 57,000 times.

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-- Kate Mather, Los Angeles Times, and Mark Kellam, Glendale News-Press
