
Cruise night was quite a ride

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Enjoyed the coverage of Cruise Night by staff reporter Megan O’Neil (“Cruise Night enjoys heavy traffic despite Carmageddon,” July 17) having attended all of the previous 18 years.

The event was somewhat more pleasant this time around, due to cooler weather this year and possibly “Carmageddon,” which enabled all of us to take a closer look at all 407 vehicles without being bumped into at each observation.

My highlight was seeing the new hobby that Aram Kazazian has undertaken with his 11 cars that were displayed in front of Damon’s Restaurant, and of the 11, four of them with “for sale” signs, including a real gem, a 1972 Chevy Chevelle.

For next year and for the 20th anniversary of the event, I’d like to see the organizers make some changes and increase the marketing selection by bringing in such vehicles that have never been part of the 18 years history of the event. Most specifically, those vehicles are a pre-World War II Packard, 1974 through 1976 Bricklin, Studebaker and a gulf-wing 1957 Mercedes.

On the entertainment portion of the event, the organizers did a superb job, especially with Paul Revere and the Raiders. Mayor Laura Friedman did a bang-up job as a judge on the selection of the grand prize winner and letting that winner, Danny Garcia, say a few words of thanks. The mayor’s short, beautiful and spirited speech in welcoming all of us set the tone for the event.

A beautiful job, well done by the event organizers.

Gary Cornell

