
Column: The Crowd: City of Hope event shares cancer survival stories and raises funds

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Arguably, one of the scariest words in the English language is “cancer.”

The dreaded “c-word,” as it is sometimes called, is the last thing any patient wants to hear in a diagnosis from a physician. Cancer is a scourge on humanity touching just about everyone either directly or indirectly.

The good news is simply that medical science has made remarkable discoveries in recent decades. Survival rates for most forms of cancer are markedly improved. A diagnosis of the “c-word” is not the automatic death sentence as it once was. Not even remotely so.

One of the West Coast’s leading cancer research and treatment centers City of Hope ranks among the most outstanding and progressive medical institutions curing cancer.


City of Hope survival stories are many. Among them are the life-saving experiences of two O.C. residents Frank DiBella and Donna Porter. DiBella and Porter came together with more than 400 friends for an evening at Balboa Bay Resort, Newport Beach honoring the work of City of Hope, ultimately raising a very impressive $1 million at what was billed as the fourth annual Orange County gala “Let’s Be Frank About Cancer.”

The Saturday night black-tie dinner was the brainchild of DiBella, who was diagnosed with metastatic bladder cancer in 2011 and was told by doctors at several different hospitals that he had months to live.

Finally landing at City of Hope, DiBella came under the care of Dr. Sumanta Pal, whom he credits with saving his life. Seven years forward Dr. Pal joins DiBella and friends each year at the Balboa Bay Resort gala taking a bow and thanking generous donors for stepping up. Funds raised are earmarked for Dr. Pal’s research into improved treatment and cure.

Porter, a leading executive in the O.C. construction industry, still fights her battle with cancer. She is a survivor and remains a patient at City of Hope. Frank DiBella introduced her to those honoring her for her philanthropy which will in turn assist others fighting cancer. Porter told the dinner audience: “My motto is pay it forward.”

Joining DiBella and Porter were major donors and honorees of the evening. His Excellency Milan Panic, former prime minister of Yugoslavia, was named presenting sponsor of the gala. His contribution to City of Hope over the past four years of the annual gala tops $1.5 million. Also, in the “Platinum Circle” of benefactors were the very much-admired couple S. Paul and Marybelle Musco. They were recognized along with corporate sponsor Mobilitie.

Revelers partook in a lavish cocktail reception in the Balboa Bay Resort ballroom foyer followed by a gourmet multi-course dinner of filet and seafood prepared by executive chef Rachel Haggstrom while enjoying ongoing entertainment and a lively auction.

Mistress of ceremonies Jann Carl, former correspondent for “Entertainment Tonight,” welcomed VIP guests including Orange County Supervisor Todd Spitzer, Ken and Cheri Ketner, Michael and JoAnn Sweig, Dr. Steven Rosen, City of Hope provost and chief scientific officer, O.C. Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, Shannon and George Argyros Jr., Sherry Smith and son Ryan Smith, Gary Jabara, CEO of Mobilitie, Kristilyn Goff and District Attorney Tony Rackauckus.

B.W. COOK is editor of the Bay Window, the official publication of the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach.
