
Letters to the Editor: Democrat Rouda takes the high road while Republicans Rohrabacher and Baugh sling mud

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It’s raining outside, and it has nothing to do with April showers or any inclement weather. It is starting to rain political hit pieces in the 48th Congressional District. They are now starting to pool up in my mailbox and those of my neighbors.

While newcomer Harley Rouda, a Republican turned Democrat, is busy introducing himself in a positive, issues-oriented piece, incumbent Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) and fellow Republican challenger Scott Baugh are trading low blows and mud-smeared hit pieces.

It is likely that Rouda will lay back and let the bloodletting continue between his Republican opponents. He appears to be emerging from a crowded field of Democratic challengers that will likely back the best chance for their party to take back this ruby red seat.


In the meantime, 48th District voters may need umbrellas to shield their mailboxes from the coming deluge of hit pieces. Mercifully, this part of the storm will be over in a matter of weeks.

Tim Geddes

Huntington Beach

Teachers are turning too political

What is happening with some of our educators today? We are all aware of the Orange Coast College professor who went on a rant and made her students sit in class while she raged on about her hatred for President Trump.

We then had the Pico Rivera high school teacher who went on a rant criticizing our military. This teacher was fortunately fired, and the authorities recently uncovered images of nude women on his work computer.

We had the professor in Missouri who was asking for some muscle to remove student journalists, who disagreed with her, from a protest taking place on campus.

But the final straw has to be the professor in Fresno who just this week tweeted she was “happy” Barbara Bush died, called her an “amazing racist” and posted other criticisms of the Bush family.

To blame this sick, unhinged behavior from individuals who are supposed to be teaching students on anyone but themselves is beyond troubling. It’s time our education system cleans house.

Juli Hayden

Newport Beach

Kings, Ducks iced in first round

The dictionary defines swept as, “to pass over with a steady, driving movement or unimpeded course.” Our two local hockey teams, the Ducks and the Kings, define swept as losing their first round of playoffs by losing four games in a row in their failed attempt to grind through the games in search of the coveted Stanley Cup.

The victors over the Kings and Ducks, Las Vegas and San Jose, meet in the next round. The Ducks and the Kings should now try to sweep the bad memories of not winning even one game in their respective playoffs under the proverbial mat and think about next year and how they can avoid the sweeping syndrome.

Bill Spitalnick

Newport Beach

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