
Letters to the Editor: City Hall should listen to residents about Mariners’ Mile

Cliff Drive in Newport Beach along Mariners' Mile, as seen in 2003.
(File photo / Daily Pilot)
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One of the most important issues before Newport Beach residents right now is the revitalization plan of Mariners’ Mile and the widening of Pacific Coast Highway along that area to six lanes.

The reason this is such a hot topic is that this area, which encompasses about 1.3 miles, is considered by most residents as the traditional center of the city with its nautical structures and proximity to beautiful Newport Bay. As a result, this revitalization would not only greatly affect the locals who live in the Heights, Cliffhaven, Bayshores and Lido Isle areas, but all of Newport Beach.

This traditional area juxtaposed to the opulence of Fashion Island, Big Canyon, Irvine Terrace, Newport Coast and other similar environs makes for the dichotomy of the beautiful and traditional coastal town that those of us who live in Newport Beach have learned to love so well.


Are there areas of Mariners’ Mile that would benefit from a revitalization effort? Most decidedly so. But most important, any major changes to this area should only come with input from the homeowners and business owners who reside there, particularly those who will be directly affected.

One thing a majority of residents in Newport Beach agree on is that it is their input that should drive any revitalization plans, not the whims of City Hall.

Lynn Lorenz

Newport Beach

Written response to recall warrants challenges

I support the recall of Scott Peotter because he violated his oath in trying to prevent the people from stopping the proposed Museum House project. But as I read his statement in response to the recall, a new reason has emerged: the accuracy of his statements.

The following are some of the statements contained in his response:

  • “The recall will waste $500,000 of taxpayer money.” In fact, the city clerk has said a special election would cost about $300,000.
  • “Recall supporters are spouting lies and half-truths … check out my website for a direct response.” Two weeks later and there is not a single word on his website refuting any of the charges.
  • The recall is just sour grapes by Keith Curry … and his handpicked 2014 candidate Mike Toerge.” This recall was organized by a grassroots citizens committee from across the city, including some who have not been supporters of Curry in the past.
  • “Since my election I have worked to deliver the following … Save the Fire Rings.” The plan adopted was essentially the same one adopted in November 2013 by the prior council.
  • “Stop the Dock Tax.” The dock fees still exist. Two-thirds of dock owners received a cut averaging $18 annually.
  • “Audit the Civic Center.” This boondoggle cost more than a special election, was rushed to council before it could be completed and still has not been submitted in final form.
  • “Enact the Taxpayer Protection Act.” The Taxpayer Protection Act was introduced by Curry; Peotter hijacked the issue, put his name on it to make it look like his and now tries to take credit for it.
  • “Eliminate the Business License Tax.” This would have created a $3.5 million budget deficit and even the Finance Committee and his Team Newport colleagues found it so irresponsible they defeated it each of the three times Peotter brought it up.

Peotter disrespects the law and the rights of residents. Visit for more information.

Lynn Swain

The Committee to Recall Scott Peotter

Newport Beach

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