
Briefs: Glendale Arts gets radio help

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Glendale Arts recently received a $13,000 grant from the Community Foundation of the Verdugos to be used for updated radio equipment for the staff and crew at the Alex Theatre.

The equipment will include new digital narrow-band radios, charging stations, ear pieces and batteries.

“Glendale Arts is honored to not only be a recipient of a Community Foundation of the Verdugos grant, but to have a long history of partnership with them,” said Elissa Glickman, chief executive of Glendale Arts, which manages the Alex. “This most recent award helps Glendale Arts and the Alex Theatre better serve our clients, promoters and patrons, as well as our community at large.”

Staff and crew use the radios for everyday tasks such as working together on maintenance projects, updating each other on customer needs during a dress rehearsal and addressing special issues that arise during a performance.

“There was a sense of urgency in the request for new two-way radios so that Glendale Arts would be brought compliant with an FCC mandate as soon as possible,” said Vincent A. Espinoza, vice chair of Glendale Arts board of directors. “The proposal also made it very clear that updated radios were needed to improve operational communication.”

Groups to team up for blood drive

YWCA of Glendale and the Hoover High School Red Cross Club will hold a community blood drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday at community room at the YWCA, 735 E. Lexington Drive, Glendale.

To make an appointment, email or visit and enter code YWCAHoover.


Mark Kellam,

Twitter: @LAMarkKellam
