
On the Town: Group recognizes beauty in nature and sustainability

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With new officers in place, members are prepared to kick off a year of activities that stay true to the group’s name — Glendale Beautiful.

Mayor Paula Devine conducted the installation at the meeting on June 14. Matt Gangi is president, assisted by Vice President Mary Jane Boltz, Secretary Judy Gorham, Treasurer Myrna Bunzey and directors Roberta Medford, Lenore Solis, Sharon Weisman, Frank Chander, Reza Iman and Chris Chorebanian.

Established in 1950, Glendale Beautiful promotes, encourages and protects the beauty of the community and helps the city preserve and commemorate the contributions of early residents to California history at the Casa Adobe de San Rafael.

Members help to enhance the city’s landscape through the group’s Arbor Day activities each March, in partnership with the city of Glendale’s Community Services and Parks Department. Glendale Beautiful members encourage the public to make donations of trees to be planted in parks and public areas while honoring loved ones, organizations or causes.

“To date, more than 7,500 trees have been added, and our efforts have helped the city of Glendale earn the designation of a Tree City U.S.A. for over 30 consecutive years,” Gangi said.

Glendale Beautiful has recently presented educational programs about drought-tolerant native landscaping. The group also recognizes commercial and public properties for exemplary landscaping with annual awards each April. It recently honored projects that implement eco-friendly initiatives to help protect the environment.

“We hope that presenting these awards and leading educational programs will encourage the local community and beyond to make steps toward a more sustainable future,” Gangi said.

Glendale Beautiful docents lead tours and facilitate self-guided visits to the Casa Adobe de San Rafael. The group also organizes an open house the second weekend in December at Casa Adobe, which members festively decorate with luminarias and ornaments.

The group’s next fall dinner, a fundraiser to support improvements and activities, will be held from 5:30 to 8 p.m. on Sept. 8 at the Casa Adobe, 1330 Dorothy Drive.


Salvation Army’s Zone is $12K richer

Everything’s coming up yellow roses for women’s organization L’Aureole and its major philanthropy — the Glendale Salvation Army’s Zone after-school program.

President Mary Owen welcomed everyone to the group’s final luncheon meeting of the year in May at the Oakmont Country Club. Joan Taylor presented a check for $12,000 to the Salvation Army’s Lt. Jessica Sneed.

The funds were raised at the Perennial Rose Fashion Show in spring, also at Oakmont. Taylor was chairwoman of the event. Yellow roses seemed to bloom everywhere from the exquisite invitation cover to the table centerpieces created by Sheri Gfeller.

Eight members modeled luscious fashions from Holiday Hats & Gowns. Six youths from the Zone program showed styles from Sears Glendale, which they were able to keep. Olivia Ontiveros commentated the show, while Mel Dangcil provided piano accompaniment.

Those modeling were Katie Castellani, Laurie Castellani, Shirley de Perini, Irene Goodell, Dianne Graebner, Grace Sheldon-Williams, Susan Skiffington, Carole Stonebraker, Cindy Cornejo, Diego Puga, Noe Puga, Anthony Salvador, Alexa Toledo and Roxanna Toledo.

The Salvation Army’s Zone after-school program strives to provide an environment for safe social interaction, personal development and recreation.

Also at the May meeting, Kathryn Kashuba was installed as president. Serving with her are Goodell, programs; Marilyn Hewitt, luncheons; Taylor, ways and means; Stonebraker, membership; Bonnie Kunkle, treasurer; Marilyn Gálvez, recording secretary. The group has served Glendale since 1967, which means next year marks its 50th year serving the community.


Flag Week creator honored

The Crescenta Valley American Legion Post 288 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1614 gathered for breakfast on June 11 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of National Flag Week and recognize their local Hero, Vito Cannella, who was instrumental in establishing Flag Week nationally.

It was Cannella and his buddy, the late Bill Bailey, as members of the Crescenta-Cañada Rotary Club, who first sent a letter to then President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1966, asking him to initiate the national observance, said Lynn McGinnis, past commander of the American Legion.

Cannella has continued to write to the White House every year since to make sure the tradition continues.

Cannella received a proclamation from the American Legion and another from the Veterans of Foreign Wars. In addition, he was presented with a certificate of appreciation from the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce, a certificate of appreciation and recognition from the La Crescenta Town Council and an American flag folded just for him from the American Legion.


JOYCE RUDOLPH can be reached at
