
On the Town: Columbus 5th-grader wins ‘Peace’ prize

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Peace was the common theme throughout the Northwest Glendale Lions Club’s holiday luncheon on Thursday at the Foothill Service Club for the Blind.

President Tom Masterani introduced visiting Lions officials and guests, including Grace T. Joe, district governor of District 4 L1, California, and her husband, Stephen W. Joe.

From the Eagle Rock Lions Club were Erica Grubert, president; Mary Tritch, vice president; and member Arlene Wilks.

Also attending was Columbus Elementary School Principal Elena Rojas.

Columbus fifth-grader Mila Gharibyan, 10, was recognized for winning the club’s Peace Poster Contest. Joining her at the luncheon were her parents Zara Grigoryan and Hrachya Gharibyan.

Mila’s poster, titled “Peace,” featured an American flag flying proudly against a brilliant sun. She replaced the stars with children’s faces, representing diverse ethnicities.

She copied real faces she found on the Internet. Mila tried to draw 50 faces in the space, but could only fit 15.

The art media she used included paint, marker, pencil and eraser. She would like to pursue art as a career, she said.

Masterani presented Mila with a certificate and a $50 check from the club.

Poster entries are judged on originality, artistic merit and expression of the theme.

The luncheon culminated with a performance by the Columbus School Choir, directed by Nancy Jones. The children dressed in costumes and sang songs that reflected how the holidays are celebrated around the world.

The Northwest Lions Club meets for lunch the first and third Thursday of the month at Acapulco restaurant, 722 N. Pacific Ave.

Woman’s club make caps for cancer patients

The La Crescenta Woman’s Club supports a variety of projects for local charities.

One of those is the Caps for Chemo Patients project. Since 2013, members have made more than 800 caps in many colors ranging from berets to cozy styles.

Under the direction of Sandra Satterwhite, interested members knit or crochet the caps, which are provided to local hospitals and other care facilities and are then donated to cancer patients.

Donations of yarn are accepted and additional knitters are welcome. No experience is necessary as free lessons are included.

For yarn donations, membership information or to volunteer, visit or call (818) 658-1104.

The general club meets during the day and evening on the second Wednesday of each month. Members of the knitting project meet at various times.


JOYCE RUDOLPH can be reached at
