
On the Town: Decorating contest is icing on the cake during celebration

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Members of a local business women’s organization brought their flair for creativity to the group’s recent installation luncheon.

A handful of members took part in a cake-decorating competition during the Verdugo Glen Chapter of the American Business Women’s Assn.’s 54th “Night of Celebration” at the Glendale Elks Lodge.

After President Ardis Bazyn welcomed everyone, member Lori Hartwell described the contest rules.

Contestants were to design a cake recognizing someone who inspires them.

Those competing were Teri Chandler, Lisa Swain, Cindy Cadell-Isaac and Marty Preciado.

Chandler won with her design inspired by Avon Products founder, David H. McConnell.

“He inspired me because he believed that women in the 19th century needed a chance at financial freedom,” she said. “He gave women the opportunity to create and operate their own businesses, which would be later known as direct sales.”

Sharon Jaeger-Eklund conducted the ceremony to install the officers. They are Barbara Williams, president, Torrey Bogest, vice president, Linda Hammell, recording secretary, Swain, corresponding secretary, and Chandler, treasurer.

Bazyn expressed her appreciation to the outgoing board members for another successful year.

Preciado introduced the 2017 scholarship winners. They are Christina Leon, Elizabeth Leon, Adrianna Ochoa, Jennifer Ochoa and Daniela Ruvalcaba.

Anne Marie Johnson, outgoing vice president, presented the Woman of the Year pin to Kandice Astamendi and the chapter Top Ten Woman of the Year nominee plaque to Bazyn.

Night of bingo games is paradise

Members and friends of the Kiwanis Club of Glendale enjoyed a mini-island adventure during the recent “Bingo in Paradise” fundraiser that meshed perfectly with President Patricia Larrigan’s year-long theme, “The Spirit of Aloha.”

Most guests were dressed in Hawaiian attire, and the decorations were appropriate as well throughout the Glendale Elks Lodge.

Each of the more than 200 attendees was greeted with a lei as they entered “paradise.”

The evening began with sandwiches, chips, cookies and camaraderie before the bingo games began.

Members of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars volunteered to run the event as a thank-you to the Kiwanis Club of Glendale for all it does in the community.

Ten games were called using a high-tech electronic bingo system with a large lighted board, and bonus mini-games were inserted in between to add to the fun.

Big winners were Jenny Schwing, Ramon Marquez, Carvel Gay, Norm Leduc, Jane Karageorge, Kathy Van Houten, Becci Neville, Cathy Keen and Marietta Mora.

Kiwanis International has clubs in 80 countries around the world. The Kiwanis Club of Glendale supports the Glendale Salvation Army, the Glendale YWCA, Ascencia homeless services, Glendale Educational Foundation, the Campbell Center, Glendale Unified School District, Crescenta Valley Special Olympics and many other organizations.

For membership information, contact Miryam Finkelberg, Division 3 membership chair, at

JOYCE RUDOLPH can be reached at
