
On the Town: Event emphasizes inspiration, empowerment and healing

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Liza Boubari had a dream, which was to empower women on “Life’s Journey from Pain to Power.”

To that end, the Glendale resident uses that theme to create an annual, daylong seminar to “evoke, embrace and evolve.”

For six years, the “3E event” has been held at the Castaway restaurant in Burbank. This past Saturday, almost 100 women and a smattering of men showed up to hear inspirational speakers participate in a healing circle, discover their inner power and watch a demonstration on the healing capabilities of hypnotherapy.

The program began to the beat of a drum. Healing artist and African immigrant Marie Mbouni played the instrument’s vibrational-sound therapy to unlock the creativity in each audience member.

Next, Boubari, a clinical hypnotherapist and owner of HealWithin in Glendale, interviewed Danisha Danielle, who is best known as a real estate expert and host of OWNShow on She described her rags-to-riches story.

After a healthy buffet lunch of vegetables, pasta and fish, fashion designer and Chinese immigrant Sue Wong was interviewed by Boubari, herself an immigrant from Iran.

A model showing off Wong’s creations accompanied the designer. Wong said she believes beauty with a blend of “mind-body-spirit” fuels her designs worthy of the most demanding of red carpets. She entranced her audience with two rags-to-riches stories she’s experienced during her lifetime.

The rest of the day was devoted to guided visualizations to reinforce goals, an exercise to connect participants with each other and an opportunity to take photos with the speakers.

In the ladies room, there was sign displayed reminding women to “Smile, It Looks Gorgeous on You.”

Sure and Begorrah! St. Patrick’s Day was celebrated with 100 pounds of corned beef with all the trimmings at the American Legion Memorial Hall in La Crescenta, where about 100 members attended the legion’s annual dinner and silent auction.

The meat was donated by Harmony Farms in La Crescenta and cooked up by chef Warren Spayth.

For over 30 years, the legion has used the holiday to raise funds for its youth programs. According to Vietnam veteran and La Crescenta resident Mike Baldwin, who is adjutant for Verdugo Hills Post 288, “several thousand dollars are raised” at the dinner. The 50/50 drawing alone usually brings in about $2,000.

U.S. Army veteran Darren Azarian, commander of Post 288 and drawing chairperson, is a four-year member of the legion. He stayed busy selling drawing tickets — one for $1 and six for $5.

Selling dinner tickets at $20 each was Dick Clubb, assistant adjutant, U.S. Army, retired.

Among local residents digging into dinner were Ruth McNevin, Peter Connolly, Wanda Bills as well as Suzi and Ed Meckle, who is a retired veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps.

Among the youth programs supported by the post are Cub Scout Pack 360, Boy Scout Troup 288 and Venture Crew, Crescenta Valley High School ROTC and Prom Plus. Academic Awards are also given to Rosemont Middle School students

A free veterans’ breakfast is held the second Saturday of each month from 8 to 10 a.m. at the legion’s Memorial Hall, 4011 La Crescenta Ave. in La Crescenta.

RUTH SOWBY RANDS may be reached at
