
On the Town: Holiday party supports veterans and youth

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Two community service organizations have a grand old time working together and do so in support of military veterans and youth.

Members of American Legion Post 288 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1614 are mostly veterans, said Lynn McGinnis, past commander of the American Legion.

“Most of what we do, we do it jointly, and we are known in the community as the Vets,” said McGinnis, who is a Glendale resident and past commander of Post 288.

The posts conduct numerous activities for vets throughout the year, and if someone lets them know of a veteran who needs help, the groups pool their resources to find a solution.

They also support eight youth groups in town with one being the Fire House teen center at St. Luke’s of the Mountains Church.

“We conduct a food drive that is part of our annual Christmas dinner,” McGinnis said.

The food is donated to the Thursday morning breakfast at the teen center. Classes at Rosemont Middle School don’t begin until 9 a.m. every Thursday, so students dropped off by working parents at 7:45 a.m. have more than an hour wait until school starts. This gives them a fun place to go with their friends along with a nice breakfast to start their day. Some days they get pancakes. Other days it’s cereal, a breakfast burrito — or anything else that’s donated.

This year, the veteran posts raised $400 including food items and grocery store gift cards during a holiday party last month at the American Legion Memorial Hall. About 65 people attended and enjoyed an evening of dinner, recorded music and fellowship.

The highlight of the night was the Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest, which was won by American Legion Cmdr. Gerry Collins, who also served as master of ceremonies.

Warren Spayth and Chris Jury were the primary cooks, with help from members and members’ wives, while Mike Baldwin, post adjutant, handled the ticket sales, and Roy Allmon tended bar.

Members and guests played a game that kept everyone involved in the conversation, McGinnis said. Vintage photographs of the veterans in their uniforms were on the tables and guests who figured out who each vet was won bottles of Martinelli’s sparkling cider.

They all sang Christmas carols -— but not very well, McGinnis said.

“Luckily, nobody recorded them, and no one will own up to it if asked,” he said.

The next fundraiser will be a Family Bingo Night to benefit the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce on Feb. 27 at the American Legion Hall, 4011 La Crescenta Ave. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the chamber office or at the door. Pizza is usually on the menu, along with cookies, soft drinks and water.

Assistance League offers SAT classes

Assistance League of Glendale is offering SAT seminars from 7 to 9 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, Feb. 8 through March 2, or Tuesdays and Thursdays, Feb. 9 through March 3, at the league’s headquarters, 314 E Harvard St.

Registration is open to students attending public and private high schools in Glendale and the surrounding communities. Last year, nearly 100 students took advantage of the seminars. The teachers are Celeste Lau, an English teacher at Clark Magnet High School, and Pat Rabe, who is retired after a long career at Crescenta Valley High School. Both are certified and plan to teach with special attention to the new SAT class.

The cost is $60 and includes a book from Kaplan SAT.

To register, visit the league’s website, Registration forms are also available from high school counselors or at the league’s Thrift Alley, 314-A E. Harvard St. It is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday.

For more information, email or call Rayma Halloran at (818) 240-3283.

Las Candelas celebrates holidays

Members of Las Candelas and their guests celebrated the holiday season at a private club in Pasadena last month.

The hourlong reception was followed by a formal three-course meal. The evening culminated a busy year of serving emotionally challenged children in the area. President Ellyn Semler thanked Diane Russell, social chair, for organizing the event and the members for many service hours.

In December, the women’s group brought a “holiday store” to the children in the residential program at Hillsides Education Center in Pasadena. The students did their holiday shopping with the points they had earned for good behavior during the previous month.

Las Candelas women were on hand to guide them with their choices, which included games, jewelry, stuffed animals and other age-related items. Each child was also given a small gift from the women.

At Hathaway-Sycamores in Altadena, the December activities provided by Las Candelas included a program by Stephen and Friends, which was a comedy act with a message about being kind to their peers.

Also in December, Las Candelas served a pizza dinner to the Hathaway-Sycamores students and staff, followed by dessert and an hour of bingo and prizes. Each student was given a small holiday gift as well.


JOYCE RUDOLPH can be reached at
