
On the Town: Glendale Assistance League holds annual Festival of Trees

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The Glendale Assistance League’s annual Festival of Trees was back on native soil. After a time or two in Burbank, this year’s fest was held at Glendale’s Hilton Hotel.

Lining the perimeter of the ballroom were 22 Christmas trees, some decorated with restaurant and merchandise gift cards for the lucky winner. All of them gleaming. Dec. 6 marked the event’s 40th anniversary. This year’s chairwoman, Alma Tycer, put the magic together.

Forty years ago, the first festival was a Christmas Tree Brunch, headed by new league member, the late Diane Thisdell. She also donated many of the trees. Every year since her recent passing, she, her husband, Rodger, and family members participated in the fest with a Tiny Treasure Christmas Tree decorated with Rodger Thisdell’s hand-crafted wood riding horses.

This year’s Festival of Trees was dedicated to the memory of Diane Thisdell, who represents the league’s “spirit of volunteerism.”

The festival opened with a reception featuring a silent auction and opportunity drawings. One drawing was for a tree and the goodies below it. Another drawing was for a $500 money tree festooned with $5 bills. Collecting $20 for four tickets and $5 for one ticket was the always sparkling league member Bea Wojtyla.

Once the ballroom opened, it seemed as if all 400 league members and guests stormed the doors to stuff tickets into boxes next to the tree of their choice. An especially popular tree was No. 12 — “Dine Out With Mario”. The culinary gift certificates gracing the tree totaled $400.

The Tribuzi family, owners of Mario’s Italian Deli, donated one of the gift certificates. The tree and certificates were sponsored by league member Sylvia Kowal, who was also one of the committee chairwomen. Her job at the fest was “Art and Event Design.”

More committee chairwomen were financial guru Karin Jonke and Treasurer Rouby Hardy. Also important in seeing that as much money as possible flowed into the league’s philanthropy coffers were opportunity ticket sellers, dynamos Mary Margaret Smith, Rita Burns, Wojtyla and Margaret Hammond. They were easy to spot by the bright red balloons attached to their collection baskets.

T.J. Jones, son-in-law of the late Diane Thisdell, was master of ceremonies for the fast-paced program. A big welcome was offered by Tycer and Mary Lo Follett, league president. After the VIPs present were announced (including Glendale City Councilwoman Paula Devine and Glendale Community College Supt./President David Viar), the luncheon and entertainment followed.

Nudging the crowd into a holiday mood were the La Cañada High School Chamber Singers. They were directed by Jeff Brookey.

A live auction held the audience in suspense as they waited for the tree drawings. Auction items were donated by Disney Studios, Porto’s Bakery, the Hilton Hotel and the Americana at Brand. A favorite item was a “Date Night for Two” at the Americana. Included were parking, dinner, a movie and tour.

Before coaches turned into pumpkins, the tree drawings began. The 22 lucky ballroom tree winners must have thought spending money on opportunity tickets was worth every cent. League Assisteens trotted over to luncheon tables to give winners of the live and silent auctions their prizes, with trees to be picked up at the league clubhouse.

Festival proceeds will benefit the league’s many philanthropies, including scholarships for high school and college students; Operation School Bell, providing new school clothes for elementary school children; and Authors and Illustrators Days during which published authors and illustrators visit elementary schools to encourage reading and writing — the brainchild of league member Nancy Frazee, present at the fest with her hubby, Jerry.

The league’s mission statement was certainly met that day — “To provide effective service focused on the needs of the community”.


RUTH SOWBY RANDS may be reached at
