
On the Town: Caroling students spread holiday cheer to Lions

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Spirits were shining bright at the Northwest Glendale Lions Club holiday luncheon the week before Christmas.

The Lions moved the meeting from Shakers restaurant to the Foothill Service Club for the Blind. Several representatives from the Foothill club, along with Columbus Elementary School Principal Elena Heimerl and many officials from Lions clubs throughout the region, enjoyed lunch.

One of the highlights of the day was the announcement that Ani Nikoghosyan, 10, a student at Columbus Elementary, won the Lions Peace Poster Contest. She was joined at the luncheon by her parents Artur and Nelli Nikoghosyan of Glendale.

Ani worked on her poster, titled “Sharing Peace,” one hour a day for three days, she said. She enjoys art and would someday like to become an artist.

Lions President Tom Masterani presented Ani with a certificate, a medal and a $50 cash prize.

The contest is a project of Lions Clubs International, and students around the world compete for cash prizes. Each poster is judged on originality, artistic merit and expression of the theme.

Posters advance through several judging levels: local, district, multiple district and international. At the international level, judges from the art, peace, youth, education and media communities select one grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners.

Another highlight of the holiday luncheon was a performance by 25 students from Columbus Elementary, directed by Nancy Pozo-Jones, who said they have really worked hard to become a great singing ensemble.

The program included traditional songs from around the world. Students put a cute spin on “Jingle Bells” by changing the words to “jingle hands, jingle arms and jingle legs” and ended the song with “Oh what fun — it is to shake — every part of you.”

Student Angelina Joby performed a very moving solo of a song that featured the lyrics “The gifts I choose for you are peace, joy and understanding” and “The gifts I choose for the Earth are laughter and harmony.”

The Lions club members were surprised by the students’ elaborate costumes. The partnership of having the Columbus singers attend the holiday luncheon has continued for many years, but this was the first time they dressed up for the occasion, said newsletter editor Ross Adams.

Victoria Yengibaryan was in a Christmas tree outfit. Kaitlyn Speights and Edgar Balisan were dressed as snow people. Isabella Alvarez was a candy cane. Other children dressed as gingerbread people and elves.

Introductions by student narrators Natalie Madina and Faith Alvarez were informative and fun.


JOYCE RUDOLPH can be reached at
