
Jan Craig, wife of former head of Glendale Community College, dies

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Jan Laman Craig, wife of the late H. Rex Craig, who was head of Glendale Community College, passed away March 10 in Altadena of a degenerative disorder of the autonomic nervous system. She was very active in the community.

In 1982, her husband was named president of Glendale Community College and superintendent of the Glendale Community College District.

He was the first to hold these two positions after the college broke away from the Glendale Unified School District. He died in 1985 of lymphoma.

Born in Grand Junction, Colo., in 1940, Jan Craig became a speech therapist. She was affiliated with the HEAR Center, the Oralingua School for the Hearing Impaired and Glendale Unified schools and was named a professional fellow at the House Ear Institute.

Toward the end of her career, she transitioned to special education with Glendale Unified.

In December 1986, she opened her historic 1896 home, built in the Classic Revival style on Kenneth Road, to benefit two groups, the Hoover High Parent Teacher Student Assn. and the HEAR Center.

She was a member of Assistance League of Glendale, National Charity League, Oakmont League, Patrons Club, PEO Chapter MQ, Rossmoyne Book Club, the Glendale Historical Society, Verdugo Hills Council of the Boy Scouts of America, Women’s Committee of the Glendale Symphony Orchestra Assn. as well as the Parent Teacher Student associations at Keppel Elementary, Toll Junior High and Hoover High.

She is survived by her son, Kirby, daughter, Kira, grandson Lamin Rex Touray, sister-in-law, Joyce Laman, and several nieces and nephews.

Twitter: @lamarkkellam
