
Letter: Group doesn’t hide Nazis’ presence

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A letter to the editor written by Trent Sanders accuses the Historical Society of the Crescenta Valley of whitewashing the Nazi past of Crescenta Valley Park. Nothing could be further from the truth, and this false accusation is insulting and offensive. Sanders also appears to be unaware of the post-WWII German cultural gatherings in CV Park, which he has incorrectly conflated with pre-WWII Nazi events.

There are many books, newspaper articles, documentary films and public presentations where the HSCV has discussed Nazi activities in the former Hindenburg Park. For example, HSCV founder and former president Mike Lawler published his latest newspaper article on the subject just last year, quoting a resident eyewitness to the Nazi rallies.

Along with former Crescenta Valley High School history teacher of 39 years, Gary Keyes, Mr. Lawler has also co-written several books (“Wicked Crescenta Valley” and “Murder and Mayhem in the Crescenta Valley” - History Press) which not only discuss the Nazis, but also the serial killers, prostitutes, opium dens, bootleggers, vigilantes, livestock rustlers and bandidos that are part of the colorful history of our valley. HSCV member John Newcombe’s award-winning feature-length documentary “Rancho La Cañada: Then & Now” includes rare color movie footage of the Nazi Fasching Festival in Hindenburg Park. There are many other examples of HSCV talking about the Nazis; time and space preclude listing them all.

As an active member for more than 10 years, I have also helped staff the HSCV booth many times at the Montrose Harvest Market and other public places where we display our large collection of black and white historical photographs. More than once, we have received complaints from members of the public because the photographs of Nazis and swastikas in the park are controversial and disturbing to some.

I find it pretty ironic that HSCV stands accused of both publicizing and whitewashing our local Nazis.

Bill Weisman

