
City Council approves latest agenda items for Armenian American Museum

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More improvements have been made to plans for the forthcoming Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California.

The Glendale City Council voted unanimously at its July 31 meeting to approve the following items in regards to the museum: exempting the project from the California Environmental Quality Act, a variance permitting the loading area to be partially located off-site, the Stage II design and the ground lease agreement.

Councilwoman Paula Devine called the action a historical decision for the city.

“I am thrilled about having a museum in Glendale,” said Councilman Ara Najarian. “My support for this project was firmly based in the fact that the governance and the operation and the management was going to be shared by the different Armenian political parties, cultural organizations and churches.”

The proposed ground lease terms include the museum’s parking garage to rise to three levels and have 262 spaces, said Darlene Sanchez, deputy director of economic development. The terms also include a demonstration kitchen, gift shops, a retail store, a restaurant and an auditorium.

Jay Platt, senior urban designer, said the three-story building will be “a large rectangular mass of metal-clad aluminum panels forming these kind of jagged openings.”

The museum is scheduled to be located in the southwest corner of Glendale Central Park. In April, council members agreed to a 55-year lease with 10-year renewals at $1 annually.

Councilman Vartan Gharpetian expressed his excitement for the project.

“This is indeed a historic moment. I’m proud to be part of it,” he said.

