
A note to our readers: News-Press to serve Eagle Rock

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The Glendale News-Press plans to return to Eagle Rock starting with the Aug. 31 edition.

The expansion will allow the News-Press to cover news, business, features and entertainment in the community, a section of the city of Los Angeles with a distinct identity that borders Glendale.

Key to the coverage will be the Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council, which advises the city of Los Angeles on community issues. A reporter will be assigned to the beat. Education, crime and government reporters assigned to Glendale will assist with coverage on their beats. News-Press entertainment and lifestyle coverage has long featured goings-on in the Eagle Rock community of 34,000 residents and will continue to do so.

“With only the 2 Freeway separating Glendale from Eagle Rock, and the tendency for residents in both communities to dine, shop and spend time in the other, this expansion felt natural,” said John Canalis, executive editor of Los Angeles Times Community News, which oversees the News-Press and six other newspapers. “Our staff — particularly our ad director, who grew up and lives in Eagle Rock — knows this diverse, interesting and creative community well. There’s already so much to cover — from Eagle Rock High School and Occidental College to independent, creative businesses and an evolving food and drink scene. We can’t wait.”

The territory is not unusual to the News Press, which circulated in Eagle Rock several years ago.

“After many years, I am very excited to see our News-Press publication expand once again into the Eagle Rock area,” said Sean Bumcrot, director of advertising for Times Community News in the area. “My children and I are the third and fourth generations [in our family] to have grown up in this community, and all of us are graduates of Eagle Rock High (Go Eagles!). I am proud for the opportunity to provide our readers with hyper-local journalism within this great city. I am also looking forward to working closely with businesses in the Eagle Rock area, providing effective and affordable marketing solutions so they can continue to strive and remain successful.”

The News-Press is circulated inside the Los Angeles Times to subscribers and is also available in news racks and in retail outlets. Free samples will be distributed along Colorado Boulevard in Eagle Rock and other high-traffic areas.
