
Dehydrated hikers rescued in Brand Park

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Glendale firefighters rescued two dehydrated hikers, one of which was taken to the hospital due to heatstroke, in Brand Park on Tuesday afternoon, officials said.

Shortly after 1:30 p.m., authorities responded to a report of a hiker who needed medical care, according to Glendale Fire spokeswoman Brandy Villanueva.

Police and fire officials were guided to the women, both in their 20s, by the police helicopter, after which firefighters hiked about 100 yards up a trail behind the Brand Library to find them.

Firefighters helped one hiker walk down the trail, while the other was carried down before she was taken to the hospital.

Glendale fire officials reminded hikers to bring water, a flashlight or headlamp, a light snack and a charged cell phone, and to stay on trails to avoid getting lost.


Alene Tchekmedyian,

Twitter: @atchek
