
Letter: Glendale Community College serves generic, narrow options

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One of the most important requirements for students’ success is making healthy and nutritious food choices for daily eating. However, do we have the option of picking and choosing when it comes to dining in the Glendale Community College campus? It is hard to find affordable, healthy, tasty and nutritious food at GCC. Some students also work on campus, which means they spend most of their day at school. Therefore, our campus should offer a larger variety of food options for students.

At GCC we have two Coffee Bean locations, the Upstairs Grill and Emma’s Soup & Sandwich Deli. The Coffee Bean sells croissants, cold sandwiches and chicken baked elsewhere that is only warmed up in the microwave when ordered. Emma’s doesn’t have many choices either. All you can get there is a sandwich, pizza, soup or salad. The Upstairs Grill has a few more choices, but it serves the same soup as Emma’s.

Why can’t we offer a wider variety of healthy, tasty and affordable food on our campus?

Varduhi Kababjyan

