
Letter: Glendale’s Space 134 sounds like Metro stations

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The Sunday Los Angeles Times had a letter from Matthew Hetz on the topic of an evaluation of Metro stations. He wrote:

“If the evaluation had taken into consideration the riders’ experience while waiting for the train, every Green and Gold Line station situated in the middle of freeways would receive the lowest possible grade, regardless of the surrounding community. At those freeway median stations, transit riders are subjected to deafening noises, spewing exhaust and flying particulate matter from the vehicles on the freeways, either speeding by or stuck in gridlock. It is inhumane to force people to be stranded on a desert island train station in the middle of the freeway.”

I hope the Glendale City Council members and Planning Commission members or whoever else is involved in this decision read his letter and made the connection. If this doesn’t describe a reason not to build a park over the 134 Freeway, I don’t know what does.

Eileen A. McClintock

