
Letter: Green space adds to quality of life

This Nov. 2013 file photo shows the Rockhaven Sanitarium, at 2713 Honolulu Ave. in Montrose.

This Nov. 2013 file photo shows the Rockhaven Sanitarium, at 2713 Honolulu Ave. in Montrose.

(Raul Roa / Staff Photographer)
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Will every piece of property in the Glendale area that does not have a building on it be turned over to developers and construction? Is that really necessary? Is it really an improvement to our once-charming city?

More buildings and more people need green spaces for peace and quiet and relaxation from a busy city. The historic Rockhaven property is just waiting to become a park — a quiet refuge for the many people who live and work in the Glendale and county areas.

No noisy sports fields or playgrounds, just greenery and benches and tables and perhaps someday small shops in the existing buildings to enhance the experience of a restful few minutes or hours of chatting with friends, playing chess or just reading quietly.

This could be possible if the City Council would release some of the income they receive from the Trader Joe’s property, as was the agreement when they purchased the land.

Council members, please consider quality of life for the people of Glendale and the need for green spaces. Give the people of the Montrose, Verdugo City, Sparr Heights, La Crescenta, north Glendale neighborhoods as well as all of Glendale a park for the soul, now that we have so many buildings for the body.

Marian Westerholm

La Crescenta
