
Letter: Hotel parking will only cost more

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Recently it was announced that a new hotel might rise on a city-owned parking lot at the corner of California and Maryland avenues. It was proudly mentioned the hotel would be required to include replacement parking spaces for the 64 metered spaces that would be plowed asunder.

That is all well and good, but the parking spaces being replaced are 75 cents per hour while hotels are notorious for outrageous parking fees. Where it now costs $7.50 for the 10-hour maximum it could easily cost that per hour if the hotel is built.

Also, parking on Sundays is currently free. Would that apply to the hotel’s parking? Another thought: customers of other businesses in the neighborhood might be forced to hunt down street-parking spaces, spilling more traffic onto the residential streets and affecting street parking.

Additionally, it was recently announced a museum would replace a parking lot at the corner of Mountain Street and Verdugo Road. Parking for the college across the street is always an issue. Would it be even more so if the Glendale Civic Auditorium becomes gobbled up by the college?

It appears that our city fathers do not fully think things through when they allow for this out-of-control growth to continue. Either that, or they see revenue for the city outweighing the quality of life for those directly affected.

John King

