
Letter: Lack of punishment encourages crime

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On the surface, Glendale seems like such a safe place. It’s a place where parents should feel safe raising their children. They should be able to sleep at night without having to worry about whether or not they set their security alarms. But the amount of crime taking place in our neighborhoods is unacceptable.

Just last week, three young men were arrested for burglary and stealing a vehicle. While most reasonable people would agree that the police cannot anticipate many such attacks, what I find especially infuriating is that two of the three hoodlums were released to family members that same evening and given simple citations. Their punishment was laughable. With such inconsequential countermeasures against local crime, it is no wonder such acts continue in our city. Those responsible for the crimes do not have any real incentive to stop.

I believe that the root of our crime problem is the reckless justice system implemented by local authorities. These criminals are getting off with a slap on the wrist, while those of us who work to keep our families safe must make more of an effort just to feel secure in our own beds at night.

Almara Gharabeigi

