
Letter: Armenian American Museum’s proposed location is the issue

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Here we go again. As if the deaf ears of the Glendale City Council during the approval of the Orwellian remodel of our downtown was not enough. Now we face the potential building of an ultramodern museum structure at the gateway to one of Glendale’s most historic and beautiful neighborhoods.

The Armenian American Museum, along with all of a museum’s associated baggage including traffic congestion, light and noise pollution, incongruous architecture, impact on property values, etc., has been proposed for construction on the corner of Mountain Street and Verdugo Road.

Many of the citizens of the surrounding neighborhoods have expressed strong objections, not to the construction of a museum, but to the proposed location, which is already plagued with parking and traffic congestion. On the contrary, most of the affected “neighbors” have complimented the idea of a museum, but have suggested that it be built in a more appropriate location, such as our downtown.

Here the museum would blend in and be complemented by other large buildings and ideal infrastructure such as broad thoroughfares and parking, restaurants, shops, foot traffic and lodging.

We hope the City Council will study this situation carefully and do what is best for the affected neighborhoods, the city and the museum.

Kym Murphy

