
Letter: On the dangers of walking in Glendale

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This past Tuesday morning, Glendale drivers demonstrated a new low in pedestrian safety. I could have been hit three times in one crosswalk at Broadway, outside the downtown Glendale post office.

The first one was a westbound driver who pulled into the crosswalk to turn right. The second was a driver two cars back who pulled around the first car. The third was an eastbound driver who skidded through the entire intersection while staring at me, the pesky pedestrian!

Distracted or entitled drivers may be the reason Glendale is rated in the top-five list of worst drivers in the U.S. This is why we have one of the highest insurance rates in the country! Drivers’ patience, respect for others and obeying the rules will contribute to saving stress for thousands of lives.

Pedestrians have the same rights and responsibilities while on the roads. Pedestrians have the right of way the entire time they’re in the crosswalk. It begins the moment they step into the crosswalk and ends only after both feet are on the opposite sidewalk.

Diana Stepanyan

