
Letter: Thoughts on the glory of Armenia

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The Armenian sparrow flies free, soars over the sky, spreads his wings over our galaxy as he watches over our world, salutes our friends searching for truth and never brings his wings down. Unlike the sparrow, humans are chained in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, with nowhere to fly and afraid of turning back history’s pages.

“We Armenians Come in Peace Like Jesus,” was recited on Sunday, Nov. 1, at a gathering of the Armenian Society of Los Angeles, in Glendale. Ararat Foundation organized the cultural event. Armenian stamps collection, art and the paintings of Gevorg Babakhanyan (Endza) were exhibited. Duduk, an Armenian woodwind flute, was played.

“One swallow does not make a summer,” Aristotle said. Likewise, one sparrow does not bring victory. The Armenian sparrow sings songs of our tales to the world. Our stories had gone with our martyrs, but we cherish the memories of dear truth. We seek Mother Armenia’s past glory and the return of our lands. We must be ready to become heroes of our nation for truth will mark the end of the enemy’s lies.

We want to bring spring through song for goodness to come our way. We want the world to grow in peace and serve civilization as Armenians have been the savior of civilization throughout history. Let us find our dearest neighbors’ love to heal our hearts and move our beloved Mt. Ararat back into our lives.

Rachel Melikian

