
News-Press Editorial: Have your say on new voting districts

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A last call is being made this week for residents to weigh in on how they’d prefer Glendale Unified’s voting map to be carved up for by-trustee-area election.

So far, relatively few members of the general public have participated in setting up the map required as the school district pivots away from the longtime practice of holding at-large elections for school board members. Perhaps that’s because Glendale voters turned down at the polls just such a move only a year ago.

But, no sooner did Glendale voters say “nay” to the idea than a lawsuit was filed for alleged violations of the California Voting Rights Act. A settlement ensued, and we arrived at where we are today: School board members will be elected to represent divided areas in Glendale in which they live, beginning in April 2017.

Four workshops were held in March to consider various options of the voting-district map residents would like to see the school board adopt. A stalwart but paltry number of stakeholders — fewer than 50 — participated in total during those four opportunities where the board sought input.

A public hearing at the April 5 board meeting revealed some polarization regarding one of the five proposed maps.

So, there are clearly matters to be ironed out, but only a few days remain to speak up. We would encourage the public to take advantage of them. Learn about the maps under consideration by visiting Submit comments at, or show up at the GUSD’s Administrative Center, 223 N. Jackson St. at 7 p.m. on Tuesday and make your voice heard during the final hearing on the proposed maps.
