
Mailbag: Letter sidesteps bigger issues

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This is in response to Mike Gomez’ Aug. 5 letter to the editor, “Are dogs now allowed in Galleria?” First of all, as a dog lover, I’m pleased that the dog policy at the Galleria has changed, but displeased that irresponsible dog owners make it tougher for the rest of us by not cleaning up after their dogs.

Yet Mr. Gomez seems to feel the responsibility lies only with the Galleria and does not mention one word about the irresponsible dog owner. His disgust was aimed at the wrong party.

But more than that, it’s dog poop for pete’s sake, why make such a big case out of it? Step around it, report it, and get on with your life. There are much more important things to write to newspapers about, like, oh I don’t know, how about terrorism, lack of human rights, climate change, torture, child trafficking, the economy, political issues, and I could go on ad nauseam. But Mr. Gomez’ focus is on dog poop.

Granted, it would seem that my focus is on what Mr. Gomez focused on, but his lack of focus on the truly life-important topics of the day is really my focus. It’s emblematic of a self-absorbed society in a tailspin.

Finally, just watch your step and don’t let “poop” blind you to what is really important: like maybe, the irresponsible dog owner.

Marlin Miller
La Crescenta
