
Mailbag: Noise naysayers are tone deaf

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As a community member who is directly affected by the noise issue with the Hoover High marching band, it was with interest that I read both the article and correspondence relating to the same article.

I found school board member Greg Krikorian’s grandstanding remark, “We can”t stifle everything that happens at that school” to be condescending and nonproductive. To my knowledge, nobody has requested that everything that happens at the school be stifled. What has been requested repeatedly is that there be some reasonable level of noise and practice schedule of the band. Until more than 50 community members were able to meet recently with the new GUSD superintendent, Mr. Roberson, our concerns have pretty much fallen on deaf ears.

The community has repeatedly stated its support for the Hoover High band, while requesting a level of noise that everyone can live with. If it were really just as simple as closing our windows during band and drum practice, this issue would not be receiving any attention at all! It would be great if the band and drums only practiced a few times in the morning and a few afternoons during the week, as the letter writer Judy Taylor states. However, many band practices have lasted until 9 p.m.

When we moved into the neighborhood 17 years ago, one of the first questions we asked the Realtor was if a noise or light issue existed from the school pertaining to sports or a band. We were assured there was not, and until a few years ago this was true. There must be a realistic compromise to this issue that can be found on common ground.

Elizabeth Morner


Thrilled by the sound of music

I live close enough to Hoover High School to hear the band when it practices. That glorious sound says several things to me: that music is important enough to a significant number of area kids to be out there at sunup, then stay after school to practice; and also that the school is committed to such a rigorous music program. In an era when education “experts” tout only the importance of STEM classes, and when school arts budgets are cut left and right, it’s music to my ears, literally and figuratively, to know a music program at the local high school is thriving.

Hearing a band practice in late summer and fall brings back fond personal memories, too, as I played in my high school and college marching bands (and in orchestras, jazz combos, and rock and swing bands).

To anyone who hears only “noise” when the Hoover band practices, I suggest you just get some good earplugs, but also consider the many gifts music bestows upon players and listeners alike.

Mike Diehl


Construction and crime updates

For anyone frustrated by the slow Caltrans construction on the Golden State (5) Freeway between Glendale and Burbank and curious about what is happening and when will it finally end, there will be an update by a Caltrans representative on Wednesday, Sept.14, at 7 p.m. at New Life Christian Church, 1020 W. Kenneth Road.

And for those interested in the local crime situation, a representative from the GPD will give a report.

This is in conjunction with the annual meeting of Northwest Glendale Homeowners Assn.. It is open to all interested Glendale residents. One does not have to be a member to attend.

Carol Brusha
Board Member, NWGHA


Candidates are a study in contrast

Re: “No defense for Trump’s offense,” Mailbag, Aug. 19. We will vote for Donald J. Trump because he is the one who made it to the nomination over 16 candidates. He loves America and wants it to be great. He has billions of dollars but he is for the people like us. We came here as immigrants in 1963, then we became citizens.

But your Hillary Clinton, on Benghazi, did not send forces to Libya and four of our best burned in fire. Your Hillary is a liar and actor. Shame on Hillary. We do not understand why she is on stage. She does not answer questions.

Trump will run this country the way Reagan ran it. I did not go to school in this country, but I learned myself to work hard and you will succeed. Trump is a wonderful person. He raised a very, very good family. But Hillary raised a daughter to run her foundation and collect money for her mom.

Rosik R. Demirdjian


Commission’s money moves

I’m glad the Glendale City Council approved the request of the Commission on the Status of Women to move $80,000 of the money they had raised over the years to the Community Foundation of the Verdugos. The foundation’s investments will generate income for the commission to use in perpetuity or until the commission’s mission is no longer necessary. Leaving the balance with the city would not accrue interest for the commission’s use and the money could even have been reallocated to another purpose by a future council.

The recent report on the status of women and girls in Glendale prepared for the commission by Mount St. Mary’s University has the unexpected news that Glendale’s full-time, year-round working women earn $1.05 to every $1 earned by Glendale’s men. In contrast, California women earn 84% of their male counterparts; U.S. women working full time earn 78% of what men earn.

Perhaps part of the reason is the three hospitals in Glendale. Healthcare has a predominately female workforce. Although men do make up a majority of the leadership even in healthcare, the balance of genders at the top is better than in most industries.

Rockhaven started the tradition of women-led healthcare in Glendale. The Rockhaven campus would make such a great historic park celebrating how forward-thinking the area was nearly 100 years ago. It is worthy of a state historic park. It’s a shame the city’s leadership doesn’t see that.

Sharon Weisman
