
Mailbag: More Duncan appreciation

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Re: “Glendale owes a debt to Mr. Duncan,” Brian Crosby’s “Whiteboard Jungle” column, Jan. 12. Thank you for the wonderful article that I just finished reading! Don was a year ahead of me at Hoover, he and Barbara were social friends with my husband and me later in life and he was principal to my two kids at Hoover, classes of ’76 and ’77.

I especially loved the way Crosby called him “Mr. Duncan” in the column. I always told my kids that I could call him Don but they had to call him Mr. Duncan, which they always did.

Hopefully someone will do something to honor this terrific educator, nothing against Rick Caruso, however ...

Cynthia Brewster Carli
Hoover Class of ’53


Is rebranding necessary?

Re: “Working to spread the news,” Jan. 17. I’m curious how much time and money has been spent in the attempt to “rebrand” what our community has known for years to be Bob Hope Airport into Hollywood Burbank Airport. Has this plan been thought through? First of all, Hollywood is a mountain range south of Burbank, and the article also mentions that the legal name of the airport will still remain the Bob Hope Airport. So why not just keep it the Bob Hope Airport as it already is?

Chuck Weiss
La Crescenta

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Richmond eggs on RNC

I am writing this as a reply to columnist Ray Richmond’s “Read On” column of Jan. 14 titled “On fear and the future.” Richmond writes, referring to Trump, “I have never been so scared in all my life, not even after 9/11.” Then he describes President Trump as “a man who utterly lacks humanity and decency” and goes on to say, “I fully expect that those like myself who speak out against the forthcoming regime will be outed as dissenters worthy of prosecution.”

I would like to tell Mr. Richmond that he is not a martyr or a crusader. Writers like him are a dime a dozen today and will not be prosecuted. In fact just the opposite may occur. The constant drubbing and piling on by the media played a big part in defeating Hillary. People like me welcome this type of diatribe from writers like you and hope it continues through the 2020 election cycle. You may be the best and most influential writer on our side worthy of an award from the RNC. The far left like yourself are either not too bright or slow learners. Either way I hope you continue on the same path.

Bill Fabian


Hand Richmond a towel

Re: “On fear and the future,” Ray Richmond’s “Read On” column, Jan. 14. Once upon a time there was fair opinionated and objective journalism for the public to help determine its favor (or not) of given events such as a United States presidential election.

Ray Richmonds’ most recent op-ed has once again not disappointed his followers but rather insulted much of the public at large. I’m sure he relishes the attention. After all, someone once said all publicity is good. Even if it’s bad publicity.

Mr. Richmond spent about 20 paragraphs expounding on his fear with what seemed to be an obvious use of loathing (as a caveat) to get his progressive message delivered to your doorstep. All this as it pertains to his fear and disgust for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential victory.

References to “hostile takeover,” “DJT utterly lacks humanity,” “plans a country less habitable” gave me pause to wonder what a self-admitted far-left elitist President Richmond would make. Donald Trump is far from a perfect choice, but I say, as I did with Mr. Obama, let’s give him a fair chance before we throw a hateful dagger in his attempt for positive changes needed in the USA.

Here’s hoping Richmond finds a suitable crying towel and warm blanket for accompaniment to a safe place within the habitable zone to drone down his fears ... but not too far, as I would be a coward if in any way I discouraged his right to speak his mind, as misguided and paranoid as it seems to be.

Lou Fabbiano


Trump fears unwarranted

Over the weekend the GNP ran the usual opinion piece from Ray Richmond. Again from him we read yet another denigrating anti-Trump article. But ironically, on the same day, the L.A. Times included an anti-Obama letter from frequent GNP letter writer, Ray Shelton. It would have been nice to also include Mr. Shelton’s letter on the same page with Mr. Richmond’s article.

I have personally emailed Mr. Richmond about his recent vehement attacks on Mr. Trump. This week his declaration that he is fearful of a hostile Trump takeover is beyond reality. Enough is enough!

I realize 72% of L.A. County voters wanted Mrs. Clinton for president. But could we just get a grip here? Richmond is grasping at straws with his continued negative commentaries. How about asking him, rather than bashing Mr. Trump every week, to offer a couple opinion pieces on our local politicians: Laura Friedman, Anthony Portantino, Adam Schiff and Kathyrn Barger; or perhaps the issues of open borders, sanctuary cities, California as a sanctuary state, or even CalExit?

Louise (“Easy”) Delaney
La Crescenta


Obama scared GOP voters

Once again we receive our weekly vision of Ray Richmond throwing a temper tantrum in print because Hillary Clinton didn’t get elected.

Richmond writes, “I have never been so scared in my life.” Good. With the Obama leaving the White House, we finally are reaching the end of an error, a major error.

Eight years of falling incomes, rising welfare roles, stagnant wages. Eight years of race baiting, phony “red lines in the sand,” lies about, “If you like your doctor, you can keep you doctor, period.”

Eight years of embracing dictatorships, Cuba and Venezuela, and spurning democracies, Israel and Taiwan. Eight years of ignoring the increasing Islamic attacks on American citizens in Boston, Fort Hood, San Bernardino, Club Impulse, and Ft. Lauderdale Airport.

Eight years of girls in the Boy Scouts and boys in the girls’ bathrooms. Eight years of utter vanity, corruption and waste by a con man and an intellectual thug.

If this is what Richmond is afraid of, then I say I’m glad he is scared, and the more frightened the better. The nightmare utopia he so loves is finally, finally, coming to an end.

Ray Shelton
