
Mailbag: Concern for the undocumented

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I am very concerned about the undocumented workers in Glendale. I don’t believe they are totally at fault for their situation. If U.S. employers didn’t hire the undocumented they wouldn’t be drawn into the country. Americans who demand goods and services at the lowest possible cost and are perfectly happy ignoring the immigration status of those who provide them have some responsibility. There is also a moral component. Many undocumented workers are exploited by employers who fail to pay a living wage or even minimum wage.

If U.S. policy on drug abuse didn’t criminalize addiction there wouldn’t be so much profit in providing the substances being abused and the economies of nations to our south wouldn’t be compromised. Americans who buy from the underground economy have some responsibility.

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Human overpopulation is a fundamental problem for the planet. Earth cannot sustain 7 billion people, and tens of thousands die every day around the world from preventable diseases and starvation. Americans who support a prohibition on family planning aid have some responsibility.

Another troubling aspect is the for-profit prison industry eager to siphon off tax money for detention centers that would be better spent on infrastructure improvements.

Mass deportation is not a viable answer. That would devastate our economy. I urge California and federal elected officials to cooperate with the rest of the world’s nations to solve the underlying problems. They should craft a path to legalization for those already here. We should not cause further misery to ordinary working people trying to live a decent life.

Sharon Weisman


Support for healthcare bill

I support SB 562 for single payer healthcare in California. I have two daughters that were dropped from health insurance because the insurance company got tired of paying for the same treatment. As my wife and I get older it seems we may suffer the same fate. Healthcare is a human right, not a privilege. California has always led the way forward for this country. Let’s lead on this issue, too.

Ali Awan


Ralphs manager exceeds expectations

Last week I needed to make sure that money I had wired via Western Union to someone out of the country would get to that person. Though I had sent it the week before, my friend was still unable to receive the money.

I went to Ralphs supermarket in La Cañada, the Western Union option nearest me. The store manager, James Flanagan, was responsible for making W.U. transactions. Though he was clearly super busy when I arrived, after a brief time, he made time to work on the problem with my wire. It seemed straightforward, but it turned out to take nearly an hour of Flanagan’s time.

The manager stayed on the phone and talked with one after the other at the company while I tried to match his seemingly unending patience. Two days later — after we corrected first one omitted last name and then, one letter of one name — W.U. delivered and we were done.

I am writing to commend the patience of this busy store manager who apparently has made it his aim to serve his customers — and suppliers, no matter what, which was very much appreciated.

Betty Cooney


Crime appears to be on the rise

In the past two to three months there has been a rise in crime in east Glendale (the area close to Eagle Rock Plaza), with residents reporting vagrants walking around with flashlights at night, breaking into unattended cars and peering into apartment windows. Several calls to 911 have resulted in one arrest but no noticeable effect on the problem.

Complicating the issue is the fact that this area borders the city of Los Angeles. It is possible that this may be related to a recent increase in the number of homeless people sheltering under the Wilson Boulevard freeway overpass, right on the border with Los Angeles.

My friends who live in the area have written to Mayor Paula Devine. It is hoped that, with her intervention, the problem can be mitigated.

Ara Kassabian


Join this Arbor Day celebration

I am writing to invite the community to Glendale’s Arbor Day observances on Tuesday, March 7, beginning at 10 a.m. for light refreshments, with program at 10:30 a.m., at the Casa Adobe de San Rafael, 1330 Dorothy Drive, Glendale 91202. This free event is sponsored by Glendale Beautiful, in cooperation with Glendale’s Community Services and Parks Department.

Arbor Day is also an opportunity to participate in beautifying the city by donating a tree to be planted in a Glendale park or library area. Trees of standard size are $45 again this year, and the donation deadline is Feb. 28, in order to receive a certificate at Arbor Day.

Go to to download the donation form to mail with a check or to donate online for a small fee with a credit card. I am happy to answer questions at (818) 248-8151, as is Sharon Weisman at (818) 248-4967.

Roberta Medford
