
Letters to the Editor: Readers share thoughts on Armenian Genocide, proposed state law on bikes

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The Glendale Police Department presented the flags on April 24 at the 16th annual Armenian Genocide commemoration at the Alex Theatre.

State Sen. Anthony Portantino said he’s proud to chair the California, Armenia, and Artsakh mutual trade, art, and cultural exchange. Portantino learned Armenian at Glendale Community College after visiting Armenia last June. Mayor Paula Devine and Portantino greeted the audience in Armenian. Ara Najarian and Portantino read Armenian poetry. Robert Avetisyan reminded us that Armenians survived to fight for justice.

Rachel Melikian


In Glendale, we’re used to dealing with bad drivers

In his article on the proposed bill to allow not obeying traffic laws, Brian Crosby expresses his fear that, if enacted, it will result in chaos and confusion.

My observation is that, if enacted, the law will indeed result in added problems for most Californians, but will cause no discernible changes in Glendale, since few seem to obey the traffic laws and signs anyway.

So, even though I consider this bill (AB-1103) a harebrained idea, having lived in Glendale for decades, I do not fear it.

Theodore Polychronis


Many mothers need development-assistance programs

Mother’s Day is when we celebrate the efforts of moms everywhere to deliver on the promise they make to us when we’re born: to nurture and protect us so we can reach our full potential.

But no matter how hard some moms try, they don’t have the know-how or resources to ensure their babies get the nutrition they need to grow and develop properly.

President Trump’s budget proposes a hefty cut to development-assistance programs that help moms deliver on their promises to children. I’m calling on our senators and representative to speak to leadership in the Senate and House about protecting effective development-assistance programs, particularly nutrition programs. What better gift to ask for this Mother’s Day?

Bryna Schreier

