
Letters to the Editor: Summer ‘splash pads’ give one reader a smile, ‘sanctuary state’ bill earns frown from another

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Re: “‘Splash pads’ promise to cool off kids during the hot summer,” June 24. A heartfelt thank you to Glendale’s parks department and school district for their combined effort on behalf of the children and parents of Glendale.

What a great idea! “Splash pads” and free lunches. I am not — ahem — of a demographic that can use them, but they still make me feel good. Perhaps that is because they come at a time when “mean” seems to be the word that most describes politicians and governments.

I suspect the people who will benefit most from these programs are the often-neglected working and single parents and families that must work through the intense heat and can’t be home to prepare lunches for their children. I wonder how many children served are part of homeless family units.

So, thank you for a feel good moment. I needed that!

Carolyn Howard-Johnson



Re: “Police chief says ‘sanctuary state’ bill is a bad idea,” June 24. It was truly an encouraging article about a government and law enforcement official who recognizes that the movement of anarchy throughout America, and particularly in California, is truly bad for the survival of what our country is all about and what it was founded on.

We are a nation of laws, as documented in our Constitution. Undocumented immigrants violate our laws. Worse, farmers and businesses in America violated laws that prohibit an employer in the United States from hiring immigrants without a work permit or green card. The dilemma we now face with the out-of-control undocumented population throughout America must be blamed for the most part on American citizens who violated the law for their financial benefit. This is the disgusting part of the problem, and all farmers and business owners who committed these crimes over the years should be fined to take care of the problem of undocumented immigrants in all our communities.

Above all, law enforcement agencies throughout America must obey federal law and help government officials trying to protect our citizens to identify persons here illegally so they can be reviewed for potential anti-American activities. Sanctuary cities, churches and schools cannot be tolerated. It will not be easy. All elected officials have to be accountable to laws dictated by the Constitution. If they are not, they are committing anarchy.

Albert Hofmann

