
Letters to the Editor: Grayson Power Plant project, rising Glendale rental rates on readers’ minds

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I am against the Grayson Power Plant proposal to replace old gas-fired generators with new ones. The way of the future is not gas-fired generators, but putting solar panels on homes and businesses in the city of Glendale.

Some innovative cities are now requiring solar panels on all new homes and subsidizing panels on older homes and businesses. According to the California Energy Commission, “California’s electric utility companies are required to use renewable energy to produce 33 percent of their power by 2020. A main source of renewable power will be solar energy.”

In 2010 CSD challenged its existing energy providers to design a program to install rooftop solar systems on low-income homes creating solar for all California.

Yet none of this was mentioned during the Glendale City Council meeting presentation on Oct. 17. Instead, the proposal stated that these new gas-fired generators would be powering the city of Glendale for the next 100 years! Glendale should be a leader in clean energy, not lagging behind the rest of the country.

Karen Hare Neilsson



Having been the superintendent of the Grayson Power Plant for 20 years and following GWP’s recommendation to completely remove the existing plant causes me to add my views to those offered by GWP customers.

It was my responsibility as the Grayson superintendent to make sure the power plant was always made available to generate electricity to our city in the event that an interruption caused the loss of outside resources. It concerns me that the GWP’s recommendation to completely tear down the power plant with exception of Unit 9 and buying from LADWP during the three or four years of reconstruction of a new plant puts our city at a high risk during all of the emergency conditions that confront our electrical system on a day-to-day basis.

Maybe look at keeping Units 3, 4 and 5, and replacing only 1 and 2, 8A and 8BC, with simple cycle generators. In addition, continue to burn the landfill gas from Scholl Canyon at Grayson for at least another 10 years.

This all would require less money and provide more time to study what should be done in the future.

Larry Moorehouse



My dearest friend has lived in the same apartment building on South Fischer Street in Glendale for over 30 years.

She was recently widowed. She and her husband always had an excellent and congenial relationship with the building owner, which included caring for their cat while they were away. Together they were exemplary tenants.

With no regard to any of that, the building owner has again raised her rent to the breaking point. Within a 16-month period the rent has been raised 60%. This has been very difficult for her as she tries to adjust to only one income.

Having called the city of Glendale, I spoke to a very nice, empathetic young lady who indicated there was nothing the city could do.

As reported in the media extensively, it appears that greed is overtaking our lovely cities. How do we fight it? It is destroying neighborly relationships and forcing people to move to less desirable places.

How sad that good, hardworking, dependable and honest individuals like my dear friend are being pushed aside.

John Duran

