
Letters to the Editor: Reduce Grayson Power Plant project

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We live in Glendale and favor a reduction in the size of the proposed Grayson Power Plant project due to high cost and the air pollution it will cause. We are also concerned by the apparent conflict of interest of consultants who are selling the idea of the project to the City Council while working for a company that would supply equipment for it. We saw a blatant example while watching a video of the Feb. 6 council meeting. A consultant was giving a talk describing the project, and he claimed it was necessary because the peak time for renewable energy sources was several hours earlier than the peak demand time (around 6 p.m.). This seems like a false claim.

We know from reading in the L.A. Times that batteries that can store this energy are available and dropping in price. Independent consultants are vitally important to give the City Council an unbiased opinion and save the taxpayers from paying millions of dollars for a boondoggle.

Steven Asimow

Jordan Balderson

