
Letters to the Editor: Cartoon on speeding in Glendale unfair to Friedman

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Bert Ring’s cartoon (March 24-25) showing Assemblywoman Laura Friedman letting speeders in Glendale off with only a warning was not only not funny but inaccurate.

As the co-founder of Drive Safe Glendale, I can say that after meeting with Friedman, we found her to be extremely supportive of increased enforcement of speeding and reckless driving in Glendale. Her bill last year — AB 1393 — which would have allowed judges to impound a vehicle that is being used in street racing or if the individual has been ticketed multiple times for speeding, among other things, was passed with bipartisan support but vetoed by the governor. She also lives in Glendale and is well aware of the utter disregard for the speed limits on residential streets. She is doing her part as our elected representative.

Relatedly, notwithstanding the unnecessary liberal-bashing, Jim Kussman’s letter calling for increased enforcement of existing laws is supported not only by DSG, but by the Glendale Police Department, Friedman and state Sen. Anthony Portantino. The residents of Glendale are pleased that their police department has responded with increased visibility of their enforcement of speeding, illegally modified exhaust, tinted windows and paper plates. So far, we have found all of our local and state representatives to be on the same page in addressing this problem.

Henry D. Schlinger Jr., Ph.D.

