
Letters to the Editor: City Council’s procedures in Grayson Power Plant consideration baffle reader

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The current controversy over the proposed $500 million rebuild of the Grayson Power Plant has Glendale Water and Power locked in a debate with local citizens who are asking for a clean energy, fiscally sound solution. While I am stunned at the seemingly lack of common sense the GWP’s proposal embodies, it’s the prejudicial procedure at City Council meetings that has me really scratching my head.

In Glendale, City Council meetings follow a long tradition and the mayor decides who gets to speak. At the council meeting Feb. 6 it was clear the parliamentary procedure is broken. About 500 residents of Glendale and the surrounding areas who would be affected by the Grayson expansion attended the meeting with the hopes of having a fair debate. Instead, they, and the City Council, were subject to a mind-numbing two hour presentation by GWP General Manager Steve Zurn, who was clearly trying to outlast his opponents. Citizens get 3 minutes. Zurn’s advantage goes further, by virtue of being on the Glendale payroll, Zurn is allowed to present GWP’s case first then take up as much time as he wants. Additionally, he is allowed entry into the council chamber long before the public and able fill up the front rows with his allies, which he did. Bizarrely, Councilman Najarian was also allowed to show an inflammatory video promoting the benefits of gas. The meeting lasted past midnight. A few stalwart citizens forced themselves to stay and be heard. To say the deck is clearly stacked in GWP’s favor is an understatement.

It’s time this parliamentary procedure is changed. The residents of Glendale, who will be paying off this bond for decades, are entitled to equal, quality time, and the City Council members should not be subject to what amounts to filibustering, even if it’s from one of their own.

Michele DiNardo

