
Letters to the Editor: Making eye contact with distracted drivers behind tinted windows is impossible

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Re: “Decals bring safety messages for Glendale pedestrians,” May 2. A simpler message to pedestrians from Be Smart Glendale would be “do the impossible.” How can a pedestrian “make eye contact” with a motorist who is behind opaque tinted windows, texting, and either speeding or running a stop sign?

It is not the fault of pedestrians when they are hit by Glendale’s reckless drivers. Instead of continually blaming pedestrians, the city should instruct the police department to put more effort into controlling the motorists who are running into pedestrians and bicyclists.

Scott Peer



The city recently introduced a well-meaning program in pedestrian safety outreach by placing decals on Brand Boulevard asking pedestrians to “make eye contact” with drivers before stepping into crosswalks. This advice can also be applied between drivers before making lane changes or moving forward at a four-way stop intersection.

However, the proliferation of window tinting businesses that make passenger and driver windows so dark that you can’t even tell the gender of the other driver makes “eye contact” a moot question. Even patrolmen who pull over drivers for traffic infractions face danger by not being able to see the profile of a driver as they approach a vehicle with darkly tinted windows. Unfortunately we will continue to see more cars with illegal tints as long as enforcement remains so lax.

Peter J. Rusch

